We would like to extend our deepest appreciation to three of our UK supporters for their incredible and unwavering commitment to our cause. We are always incredibly grateful and humbled when supporters take the initiative to fundraise on our behalf.
Stuart Hann and his family have been amazing supporters of LIV Lukhanyiso for many years. This year, for his 70th birthday, Stuart appealed to friends and family to make a donation to LIV Lukhanyiso. Through this incredible act of kindness, he was able to raise over R46 000.
A huge thank you to Stuart for his wonderful generosity and support, and to everyone who contributed.

A big thank you to Abi Hardman (UK), who volunteered with us last August and returned for a visit this year after spending some time volunteering at LIV Durban.
In July, Abi also hosted an afternoon tea as a fundraiser and raised over R40 000. From this she gave to LIV Durban, Little Flower Day Care, LIV Lukhanyiso and Home of Joy, where it will be used to make repairs on the home.
We hoped that you loved your time spent at LIV Durban and at LIV Lukhanyiso. We miss you already Abi, and hope to see you back in 2024!

We are also truly thankful for the continued support of Inglewhite Community Church (UK). In August 2023, a group of ladies from the church hosted an afternoon tea to raise awareness and funds for LIV Lukhanyiso. This year they raised over R22 000.
Thank you so much to everyone who helped bake treats, set up the hall and helped on the day. Thank you also to all of those who attended.