Our LIV Langkloof foster mother, Melinda writes: On the 1st of February 2022, a sweet little boy of just over a year old, was brought to my gate by a lady who knew that I would help. He was clothed in an oversized t-shirt and nappy only. There was no information about him. All I knew was that his mom was in the hospital due to a drug overdose, and there was no one who could take care of him. I immediately contacted the Department of Social Development, and thereafter little Alfie was placed in my care. I knew for quite some time that the Lord called me to the task of looking after neglected/abused and orphaned children.
When he arrived at my home, I called him “babatjie” (baby), because he had no name. After a month we still could not get any information on the little boy. I then decided to give him a name. As he was the first little one being placed with me, I looked for a name starting with the letter “A”. Alfred, meaning “man of wisdom and council”, was the perfect name for him. He is still little, and I call him Alfie, but I believe that the One who knew him before the foundation of the world, has a beautiful plan for his life and that he will walk holy and blameless before the Lord.
The possibility for him to return back to his family is currently dim, but here at LIV Langkloof, he has a long-term home.
A few months later two more boys arrived between the ages of two and three. Jonathan’s mom passed away, and Cheswin’s past is one of the sad stories of our Valley.
Hope is the substance of things yet not seen, but my faith became the building blocks towards the goal of a blessed future in Christ Jesus, my Saviour with the little ones He entrusted to me. My quest is to be a living example of someone who took the lessons of life and risk the vision I carry in my heart without fear. There is a generation I believe in, and who are designed to embark on their own future with confidence.