This page is for donors from the UK to give to LIV Villages in South Africa.
LIV UK is a registered charity in the UK.

To give to LIV Lanseria via the Friends of Refilwe CAF online platform, click on the link below:
CAF Banking Details
Account Name: Friends of Refilwe
Bank: Natwest Bank
Branch Name: West Kirby Branch, 10 Banks Road, West Kirby, CH48 4LG
Account Number: 77660021
Registration Number: 1168982
* Please use your name & surname as the reference on each deposit made and email proof of payment to so that we can personally thank you for your generosity

To give to LIV Durban or other villages via the LIV UK CAF online platform, click on the link below:
CAF Banking Details
Account Name: LIV UK Donations
Bank: CAF Bank Ltd
Branch: Musgrave Road Dbn 090
Branch Code: 25 Kings Hill Avenue
Kings Hill West Malling Kent
Account Number: 00021073
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Reference: Village name you are giving to (eg. LIV Durban)
* Please use your name & surname as the reference on each deposit made and email proof of payment to so that we can personally thank you for your generosity