I was born in Ndwedwe on the 10th of October 1995 and attended Ndwedwe Junior Primary School. Here I was introduced to different sports, including football, netball, and running. That is when I fell in love with running.
My passion was hindered because my mother and I both had no ID. This stopped me from running because I could not take part with the other kids in the school. When I was in grade 2 one of the teachers noticed my love for running so she used to take me with her to train with the other children on the field. I would train with them during their training session and it came to the point where she went to see my family to tell them about my potential in running.
In 2011 l finally got my birth certificate and things started to happen for me. l was exposed to running and in 2012 l got the opportunity to compete in cross country on a national level.  With my increasing age I was soon required to have an ID, and again I couldn’t take part take in some competitions. This is when l thought l would never get the opportunity again.Â
At this stage of my life I was not staying with my family, but with another family that had agreed to take care of me, as my mother had no regular income. I grew up living with this family until I finished grade 12 in 2018.
In January 2019 my dreams started to come true for the first time in my life.
Just when I thought of quitting running, I heard about LIV2Run and joined the team, which took me back to what I always wanted. They took me back to my passion that I thought was gone. I had a second chance. I would like to use this second chance to help others who have also grown up like me. I would like to coach young athletes and give them the opportunity to follow their dreams. As a coach for LIV2Run this is what I hope to achieve.